Flying Sid

About Me



Phase I (Diagnosis)

Sidharth Ghosh is a hearty guy from New Delhi was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer in his right kidney in February 2014. News of cancer came as a shock to his family and friends and they were scared of losing him. All the doctors suggested that he should undergo a high risk surgery which might result in losing his right kidney.

“The growth was of the size of a golf ball residing inside my right kidney, covering more than half of it. The biggest worry for me was the fear that I saw in my parent’s and my friend’s eyes of losing me.”


Phase II (Surgery)

Finally, the day came and as expected the right kidney could not be saved in the surgery. “Obviously this increased the heartbeat of my parents and all my well wishers waiting outside desperately to hear the news that all is well. Eventually I came out with a successful surgery.”

However, there still was a long way ahead as it was necessary for him to be closely monitored for the next 5 years in order to ensure that the cancer does not spread to other parts of his body.

“A negative result may change the course of the treatment further, but I am hopeful that everything will be fine.”


Phase III (Recovery Phase)

Even after one month of surgery, Sidharth’s health was still very weak to an extent that he needed rest even after climbing down 2 stairs.

“I then realized that this was taking away my mental as well as physical strength, and it was time that I needed to back myself up and slowly start walking and regaining my confidence. I was terrified by the fact that 2 months ago I was running a full marathon and today, it was difficult to stand even for 10 minutes.”


Phase IV (Getting Back On His Feet)

“But the key is not to give up at any stage.”

In November 2014, Sidharth went back to running and completed a half marathon in just 8 months post the surgery and he further pushed his limits when he completed another full marathon in January 2015.

“It was another emotional moment since running 42 Km takes a lot of toll from you but I did not want to give up.”


Final Message

Sidharth believes that a lot of cancer patients in the hospital need sincere attention in terms of counseling. There is a stigma associated with openly expressing their feelings among most of the cancer patients. Sidharth actively participates in various cancer awareness activities and his efforts to support and counsel cancer patients through their fight against the common evil is admirable.

“It is your strong willpower and positive mindset that eventually decides whether you end being a cancer victim or a cancer fighter.”

We would like to pay our tribute to Sidharth and many more survivors just like him for their unwavering mind and we sincerely hope that Sidharth’s story would inspire many more through their hardship. To stay updated with Sidharth’s activities, visit his blog:

Read My Book

Cancer As I Know It: Six Simple Steps To Beat Cancer And Feel Awesome

The revealing story of grit and determination of Sidharth Ghosh whose life came to a standstill when he was detected with a rare type of cancer a month after running a full marathon. He went through several hardships and then realized that doing some simple things in life could transform him into what he always wanted to be. Do such questions also haunt you and your family?

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Flying Sid

+91 98106 64989